Sunday, June 21, 2009

Status: Task Force Deployed

And now introducing K&A’s new segment..dun dun dun DUN:
The Weekly Weekend Wrap-Up (3 points for alliteration)

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times – it was the Sound of Music in the sun, and the Sound of Music in the rain. One might say it was a tale of two cities...

Thursday night Divine Brown headlined and Kim Mitchell, Matt Dusk, and many other bands performed on sunny Friday evening. The crowds were rockin’, the vendors were stockin’ (their booths) and Kat and Nat were there for it all. They handed out programs (with a map on the back!), answered lots of questions and ate almost a full bar of delicious fudge. They worked out when they got back to the Batcave.

Saturday morning dawned cool, overcast and rainy. It was not for the faint of heart, but your Task Force, not unlike the Rescue Heroes, was more than up for the challenge. No one gets left behind. With our utility belts on waist and maps in hand, we braved the mist, put our 50 SPF sunscreen back in the cupboard and pulled out the hairspray to tame our frizz. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t just wake up this attractive.

Despite the rain, Saturday turned out great. The police officers busted out their ponchos, umbrellas and rain boots became the norm and people made creative use of plastic bags as seat covers. By 3 o’clock the sun was almost shining and the crowds and music were in full swing.

Sunday trumped all three days weather-wise with a high of 26 and mostly clear skies. Tom Cochrane and Red Rider certainly did not disappoint and Sound of Music 2009 went out with a bang!

In the spirit of music, we have a bit of a surprise for our faithful followers...a preview of a new Tourism Burlington Song written and produced by Alyssa, Celine, Dania and Kat. It was developed while stationed at the festival, and turned into a little something that we like to call “Stat That”:

♪ Stat that, a group of four
Stat that, write down some mo’,
Stat that, specialty store
Stat that, woOoOoOoh ♪

That last line was more of an adlib- We're just freestylin'... Sayin' whatever comes into the top of our head, like it's random.

We wanted to make a music video, but our Captain Kirks have yet to pass on their seal of approval. Maybe next week.

Till then, stay classy Burlington.

P.S. In case you were wondering what we look like, Sally is the strikingly handsome young chap in the middle, Kat is the brooding gentleman to the left, and Alyssa is the optimistically pensive fella to the right.
Watch out. We're everywhere.

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