Monday, July 5, 2010

Tourism Burlington: A Medley

Oh hi, I didn’t see you there. Kat’s on the phone, so I decided to take the reins on this one. Temporarily. Not permanently because that would be good for no one (Kat nods in agreement). Let’s get this show on the road because there’s a lot to cover in what little time we have with you this morning. So please cherish this precious time.

First and foremost, we have been experiencing some suspicious symptoms here at 414 Locust Street, Burlington, Ontario. A little something generally referred to as Writer’s Block. This led us to brainstorm- what could we do to make this blog sparkle just a little bit more? Add just a little more glitter and a wee bit more of a wow factor.

Because we are really smart and creative, it did not take us long to come up with a solution. Two words. Video. Blog. What is better than reading a book? Watching the movie! Ergo what is better than reading our blog? Watching our blog! Ergo starting this week/next week (based on whether or not Natalie can remember her camera), we will air the first ever video blog of any tourism organization in the ENTIRE WORLD (disclaimer: we have no factual evidence to back this up. If you are a fellow tourist office with a video blog, do let us know).

Now that your mind has been officially blown, please attempt to focus on the following information while cleaning up the mess:

1. In case you were unaware job that our job significantly trumps yours in every way possible, last Tuesday we had a Scavenger Hunt. For FIVE HOURS we braved blistering heat, driving rain and a raging blizzard (all at once) to find answers to clues leading to locations in Downtown Burlington. What? You don’t believe us? Oh I wish we had pictures-oh wait. We do.

>> Please note the human pyramid. Please note that we are the human pyramid.

>> Initial debrief/ planning phase/ plotting session. Obviously very thought out and effective. For the most part.

>> Wondering where the tornado at Discovery Landing has run off to? Tansley Woods, actually. We decided to fashion our own tornado as a tribute...and this was the uncanny result.

2. Canada Day. It happened and it was fabulous! Fireworks will never cease to amaze us.

3. You may be wondering why we seem slightly manic today. Well, yesterday we had to rise from our beauty sleeps at FIVE THIRTY IN THE MORNING. Why you ask? For the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure of course! Your faithful bloggers, our beloved leader, Linda O. and Lauren were all there, chipper and alert, to welcome cyclists from across Ontario, Quebec and even New Zealand to your lovely city of Burlington. With such cheers as “Welcome to Burlington!”, “This way to breakfast!” and “Yay it’s early but you’re still exercising!” the cyclists really felt welcomed.

4. LIMITED TIME OFFER: the first five people to become new followers of the blog will receive personalized shout-outs in future editions. But hurry. This morning we sent out emails to everyone we know (including our parents).

Stay tuned for the VIDEO BLOG.

Stand by,

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